I have been in Udaipur from last 15days and the only timepass had been my cell, Facebook and the FMs. The city has 3 connections mainly – 92.7, 94.3 and 95. All these channels are good and play pretty decent tracks. The only flaw is two of the channel played till 00 hours (92.7 and 95).The only channel play till 0100 hours is 94.3.
Apart from this crap, lemme come to the main point. From last 3 days I have been observing a unique thing. As soon as the other 2 channels stop playing, and the only channel available is 94.3, it starts playing the song of Himesh Reshamiya. [;)]
Now I wonder whether it’s a publicity stunt designed by himesh or its pure coincidence. Anyways it’s a treat for me, so I am enjoying.
PS: nice info by Vikas, and Phd at 22 by Shashi Tharoor…whoa!!
Its just 1 last week before I leave this place. I am feeling nostalgic all over again. I so much wanted to write for such a long time but life has been too busy for last 1 and a half month. But anyways life is again back to normal.
Some days before I was talking to my friend about the hidden talents. We came to conclusion that ours hidden talent will always remain hidden. But last night I realize my hidden talent. Mine is-Super memory.
Oh no no, I am not talking about remembering name, numbers, acads kinda memory. Mine is a bit different. I remember everything what happened in my life with all the minute details. I have all the incidents from my class 4th onwards printed in my mind.
So the point is during these last weeks everything is coming back, life is flashing all over again. My stay here at IIT for 4 years has been so happening, so vibrant that I can literally write a book on it.
These were the four years when I turned into man (?) from a boy. (atleast I thini so)
In last four years I have seen greatest of the minds, dumbest of the lot, many good people, few bad people but I learnt something from each of them.
I still remember FKD making the whole ID-110 project single handedly, I remember chatting on arbit sites with shamshan, I remember giving ragging session in all the hostels with lays, I enjoyed watching all the RR v/s DC matches with Naren and Poba, I remember teasing Waggy and Ugri to the core.
I remember all my seniors. I remember Pico keeping me focused on studies, I remember all the Train Journeys with MLD, and I remember all the lavish life spent by nano.i remember all the night spent singing song with Nimit.
One of the things which were the integral part of my life was the Hospitality Team. I learnt so much from all you guys. I remember Pinki Putting me Excel fundaes, I remember him calling every day till I got placed, I remember discussing all the hottest gossips with Paed, I remember discussing all the team management fundaes he put to me, I remember being into my first gay relation with my darling proxy ( PS: I love you) , I remember all the tricks I pulled with galib, I remember linking tattu with KG, I Remember learning how to work from Cholla. I remember paining MMS all through the nite. I remember all the countless night outs, fart sessions, juices, grub, dance workshop. I have so many memories of all the Shaastra and saarang spent with you guys. Thanks a lot for giving me the time of my life.
I also remember putting fart with pattrow, I remember all the food and restaurants explored with Jadoo, I remember Achar preparing the best food I have ever eaten.But I don’t remember when I took 30 bucks from phani.
I met so many people who had a huge impact on my life. I have learnt so much from harshi. Thanks for telling me the real meaning of friendship. I would like to thank jussu and tamanna for hearing my long creepy thoughts patiently.I also Thanks Savya for the infinite notes and assignments she gave me.
And last but not the least – Sajal, Anshul, Sumedh, Rajat, Ravi – Fuck You all!! You a’sole made me so addicted of your company that I even started liking this fucking place. Go fuck yourself all of you!